Notifier FMM-1 Monitor Module
FMM-1 Intelligent Addressable Monitor Module is Intended for use in Intelligent, two-wire Systems.MX
Notifier FMM-1 Monitor Module
FMM-1 Intelligent Addressable Monitor Module is Intended for use in Intelligent, Two-Wire Systems.IN
Notifier FMM-101 Mini Monitor Module
FMM-101 Intelligent Addressable Mini Monitor Module is Intended for use in Intelligent, Two-wire Systems.MX
Notifier FMM-4-20 4-20mA Monitor Module
FMM-4-20 intelligent addressable Analog Input Module allows the NFS2-3030 fire alarm control panel to monitor industry-standard, linear-scale, 4–20 mA protocol sensors.MX
Notifier FPC-951 Multi-Criteria Photoelectric and CO Detector
FPC-951 Intelligent, Multi-Criteria Detector Incorporating Photoelectric and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection Principles.MX
Notifier FPJ Fire Fighters Telephone Phone Jack
FPJ Firefighter Phone Jack Provides a Quick and Easy Plug-in Location to Connect to the FFT-RHS Remote Handset.IN
Notifier FPJ Fireman’s Phone Jack
FPJ ,Fireman’s Phone Jack on a Single Gang Plate.MX
Notifier FPTI-951 Multi Criteria Photo Detector
FPTI-951 Multi Criteria Photo/Temp/Infrared (PTIR) Detector.MX
Notifier FPTI-951-IV Multi Criteria Photo Detector
FPTI-951-IV Multi Criteria Photo/Temp/Infrared (PTIR) Detector,Ivory.MX
Notifier FRM-1 Relay Module
FRM-1 Intelligent Addressable Module that Provides two Isolated Sets of Form-C Relay Contacts.MX
Notifier FRM-1 Relay Module
FRM-1 Intelligent Addressable Relay Module that Provides Two Isolated Sets of Form-C Relay Contacts.IN
Notifier FRM-1 Relay Module
FRM-1 Intelligent Addressable Module that Provides two Isolated Sets of Form-C Relay Contacts.MX